Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Now Offering 2 New Standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans

Jul 9, 2010 | Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Insurance News | 0 comments

As of June 1, 2010 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) is offering new Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans G and N. Members and those considering Plans G and N can enroll at anytime; there are no specific enrollment periods or deadlines. The changes to the configuration of Medicare Supplement plans are the result of the “Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008” (MIPPA), which took effect on June 1.

All plans sold after June 1 have an enhanced hospice benefit, which includes coverage for some outpatient prescription medications and copayments and coinsurance for inpatient respite care, which were previously the responsibility of the insured.

These 2 plans are essentially replacing Plans D and E. Plan D is comparable to plan G but not quite as popular a plan. Plan E is a casualty of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 and can no longer be sold by any company. Folks who currently have Plan D or E from BCBS of IL are “grandfathered” in and can keep these plans because they are guaranteed renewable for life.

Plan G is the 2nd most popular plan behind plan F and this change could help BCBS attract more customers specifically searching for this plan. Plan N is a newly introduced addition to the standard Medicare supplement offerings and is becoming a very popular choice for some as it covers 100% of Part A (hospitalization) exposure and limits the exposure for outpatient to the part B deductible ($155 annual in 2010) and $20 copays for doctors visits. Plan N does not cover excess charges so patients will want to ensure their doctors accept Medicare assignment before receiving services. In exchange for the additional exposure in plan N clients typically pay a lower monthly premium for this plan than they would for plan F or Plan G.

For more information on BCBSIL Medicare Supplement Plans, visit the our BCBSIL Medicare Supplement webpage

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