St. John’s Hospital Remaining in Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Medicare Select Network

Jul 14, 2009 | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Insurance News | 0 comments

In May 2009, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois informed their Springfield Medicare Select members that St. John’s Hospital had elected to discontinue its status as a Medicare Select contracting network hospital effective June 17, 2009. BCBSIL has announced that St. John’s Hospital has reconsidered and will remain a Medicare Select contracting network hospital. There will be no disruption of services provided or benefits covered under the Medicare Select plan at St. John’s Hospital. A letter containing this updated information was mailed to BCBSIL Medicare Select members in Springfield on June 19, 2009.

If you are a Medicare Select client that requested a plan change as a result of the May 2009 notification and would like to reinstate your previous Medicare Supplement insurance plan, you can call BCBSIL (800) 624-1723 and a customer service representative will assist in reinstating your former plan and will make sure that you are credited for any increase in premium they may have paid to change plans.

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